Kickstart Your Career: Stand Out from Other Applicants with These Tips

A woman confidently holding her resume, ready for a job interview.

You might have heard people say that having good grades is all you need to get the job you want. Or that you can just walk into a company, ask for a job and start work the next day: “That’s how it was done when I was your age”. Well, times have changed – to really kickstart your career, you need the skills to market and promote yourself!

Here are a few things you can do to give your career a boost!

1. Harness the Power of Social Media

Don't underestimate the potential of social media in your job hunt. Platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn are not limited to personal connections; they also serve as excellent platforms for engaging with potential employers. Start by identifying companies that pique your interest and actively participate in their online communities. Like and share their posts, and engage in discussions. Maintain professionalism, be helpful, and exhibit courtesy. Make your presence felt!

Before you start following a company, it's advisable to tidy up your social media profiles. Conceal any embarrassing party photos and remove any potentially harmful comments. Many employers scrutinise social media profiles when making hiring decisions.

A woman sitting at a computer, looking at the screen with a cheerful smile.

2. Explore Opportunities with Smaller Companies

Taking on an internship or employment with a smaller company can be a wise career move. Smaller businesses often operate with limited budgets for job listings and recruitment procedures. This is where your active online presence can be advantageous. By engaging with them on social media, you might come across unique opportunities that are not widely advertised.

3. Expand Your Network

Initiating a job search with a limited network can be daunting. Make proactive efforts to broaden your connections. Leverage family and friends to introduce you to potential contacts. Attend physical and virtual networking events, join professional associations, and partake in trade fairs. Engage with professional blogs and contribute thoughtful, insightful comments.

Consider launching your own blog or submitting articles to established blogs in your field to establish your expertise and reputation.

With these strategies in place, you'll soon find yourself having multiple job offers to choose from.

Kickstart your career yourself – make yourself easy to be found!

  1. Stand out from the crowd: Improve your employability

  2. Get that job

  3. How to write a brilliant CV


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